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Family RP Community Rules

  • Age Requirement for joining: 18+

  • Working quality microphone - Must speak/understand English

  • Being toxic, or breeding toxicity in any platform (this includes twitch, reddit, discord, etc.) can have you removed from the community at any point in time.

  • Serious/realistic character name - Must follow TOS.

  • Do not impersonate server staff (25 Points)

  • Prohibited RP (20-25 Points)

    • Players are not to engage in suicidal roleplay under any circumstances.

    • Players are not to engage in sexual harassment roleplay under any circumstances.

    • No underage characters - All characters must be over 18 years of age.

  • No Value of Life (NVL) (1-10 Points)

    • Not realistically fearing for your life when you are threatened with weapons or severe harm from other means. 

    • Antagonizing gangs/police or armed individuals for no character reason. 

    • Players should not insert themselves into ongoing contradictions or shootouts between groups.

  • Powergaming / Fail RP  (1-10 Points)

    • Using means not in-game to gain an advantage or not attempting to fit into the world sensibly.

    • Using the quickest way to make money or win, rather than roleplaying around the mechanics.

    • Random Death Match (RDM) & Vehicle Death Match (VDM)

      • Attacking/Robbing another player/group without any story/roleplay leading up to it.

      • Attacking other vehicles at high speeds. (Ramming)

    • Not remaining in character at all times.

    • Combat Logging

    • Starting illegal activities 15 minutes before or after restart.

    • Transferring money/items, sharing knowledge, or interacting between your characters.

    • You should always avoid surface-level interactions, repetitive story arcs, and stagnation which would neglect the development of your character.

  • LEO Corruption (10-25 Points)

    • Law Enforcement Officers are prohibited from engaging in corrupt activities such as accepting bribes, extortion, protecting criminals, falsifying evidence, disclosing information, and giving away issued equipment.

  • Metagaming (1-10 Points)

    • Players are strictly forbidden from using out-of-character (OOC) information or knowledge to influence any in-character (IC) decisions, actions, or interactions.

  • New Life Rule (NLR) (1-10 Points)

    • If you are put on your back or respawn at the hospital, your character forgets the entire scene and cannot return.

    • You may not respawn if advised that EMS is on the way.


  • Criminal Activities (1-10 Points)

    • PvP-oriented criminal activities are limited to 5 players.

      • Indirect characters are considered part of the group if used for lookouts, communications, etc.

      • Exception: If a group initiates hostilities against a larger group, all members of the larger group may participate.

    • You are not allowed to leave a heist/robbery and return later to collect the rewards. ​

    • You are not allowed to interfere with other groups participating in heists/robberies

      • Exception: If you are in YOUR gang territory or a LEO, you may interfere.

    • If in custody when a server restart happens, you must turn yourself over to the police immediately after the restart.

    • Aircraft of any kind may not be stolen.​

  • Scene Limits (1-5 Points)

    • 5 robbers: ATM robberies, store robberies, house robberies, bank truck robberies, jewelry store, Fleeca banks, Paleto bank

    • 8 robbers: Pacific bank, Humane labs heist, yacht heist

    • Law Enforcement is allowed 2 more officers than the robbers. Air 1 counts as 1.

  • Protected City Services (1-5 Points)

    • Stealing or stealing from Fire, EMS, or SAMC vehicles/personnel is prohibited.

    • No one may kill, kidnap, rob, or hold hostage any on-duty EMS, Fire, Medical, SADOT, or QPARK employees.

    • No one may rob on-duty LEO employees.

    • There must be at least 6 LEOs on duty to kidnap a law enforcement officer.

    • At any time, you may hold a cop at gunpoint or threaten them to attempt an escape, but you may not hinder their duties by holding them for a prolonged period.


  • Hostage Taking (1-5 Points)

    • The individual taken as a hostage must not be privy to or involved in any prior coordination or planning regarding their capture.

    • Hostages cannot gain any money, items, or other compensation.


Basic Decency & Respect


Our goal is to provide an unrestricted roleplaying experience while ensuring the safety and inclusion of all community members, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, age, or ethnicity. We are dedicated to creating a welcoming environment where every member feels valued and proud to be part of the community. The key is simple: respect each other. Refrain from engaging in overt toxicity, excessive name-calling, shaming, or disrespectful personal attacks, whether you are in character or not. We come together to leave the real world behind and immerse ourselves in a realm of infinite possibilities, which should promote mutual respect and responsibility. Justifying behavior by saying "It's just my character" is unacceptable; actions should have thoughtful reasoning behind them. Our staff is always on hand to help with any issues, underscoring our commitment to the well-being of the Family RP Community.



  • Gangs cannot ally with other gangs.

  • All new gangs will be under a 14-day probationary period. 

  • A minimum of five (5) members must be present and active to start a gang.

  • Gangs are required to maintain at least 5 active members. 

  • You may only have ONE gang character.

  • Gangs are limited to 20 members max.

  • Gang members are NOT allowed to do house robberies on their turf.


  • Forced Character Death (Applies to gang and non-gang characters)

    • Intentionally impersonating or misrepresenting oneself as a gang member of a gang that you do not belong to officially gives that gang's leader the authority to request an indefinite death of your character. 

    • Gang affiliation adheres to the "blood in/blood out" rule. Upon joining a gang, you must comply with that gang's regulations. Any departure from these regulations can result in the indefinite death of your character if requested by the gang leader and approved by the administration team.


Disciplinary Actions

  • Accumulation and Expiration of Points

    • Points: Points will automatically expire and be removed from a player's record after 60 days.

    • Permanent Points: Points assigned for severe rule violations are permanent and do not expire. Accumulation of 25 permanent points results in an indefinite ban from the server.

  • Point Allocation and Penalties

    • Each rule violation is assigned a point range (e.g., 1-5 points, 10-25 points). The exact number of points within this range is determined by staff discretion, based on the severity and context of the violation.

    • Penalties are applied when a player accumulates a specific number of points:

        • 3 Points:  12-hour suspension from the server.

        • 5 Points: 1-day suspension from the server.

        • 10 Points: 3-day suspension from the server.

        • 20 Points: 7-day suspension from the server.

        • 25 Points: Indefinite ban from the community.

      • You may appeal an indefinite ban after 30 days.​​​

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